article on Perth Ave house

That ’70s showing on Perth

If you live on Perth Avenue (off of Dundas between two sets of railroad tracks) and somebody asks you what area of the city you live in, expect them to look confused if you say, “West Toronto Junction.” Most people know the area as the Junction or the Junction Triangle. There, I found an Ugly Duckling semi-detached property on Perth just a few steps north of Bloor Street. With an asking price of $299,900 it was bursting with promise and potential.

I toured through the home with Jonathan Amantea (Sutton Group) and Norbert Dolecek (Renovation & Painting Specialist). It looks like a two-and-a-half-storey from the front with a flat roof over the bedroom at the back. Sometime in this Victorian’s century of history, an owner covered the brick with white siding, but it is not in terrible shape and could be spiffy with cleaning and caulking. …the restof the article at

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