Junction BIA – Professional design of 3 parkettes, and street elements for Dundas St. w.


All text in italics from the city’s documents.




The aim of the Junction BIA is to enhance the vitality of the al ou business promotion,

beautification, interactions with City of Toronto and other statutol and vol itary organizations, and

ensuring that the area continues to be an integral part of the local econ of  area. The BIA would like

to showcase the vibrancy of the local business community an encoura r dents and visitors alike to

explore the area.

The Junction BIA has identified potential locations for parkette r green spaces within the BIA that they

would like to develop. For the purposes of this RFP ‘hese will be referred to as parkettes. The areas are

currently underused, and have great potential public space and landmark for visitors. The BIA is

interested in developing a design that reflects the unique identity of the BIA while promoting it as a usable space within the BIA.

Locations 2 of 4 photos below 



The BIA will select three parkette ocauons urrently, there are four potential sites under consideration

for future parkettes. However BIT construct only three parkettes. The final selection of the parkettes

will be approved at the kick

Location of butting business property features to

parkettes note

3050 Dundas St and Adjacent to the LD Variety Store

Northwest Mc Murray Existing tree to be protected

2975 Dundas Strut West Adjacent to the Benjamin Moore Paint store

South east of Pacific There are former window wells

2945 Dundas Street West Adjacent to TD bank

South west of Medland Maintain 2 m clearance from the

underground utility vault.

3035 Dundas Street West Adj scent to convenience store

South west of High Park Protect existing trees

Avenue Maintain clearance for all doorways

Maintain clearance from hydro vault


[st_box title=”New Dundas St  parkettes ” type=”error”] 3050 Dundas Str& Adjacent to the LD Variety Store Northwest Mc urray Existing tree to be protected 2975 Dundas Strut West Adjacent to the Benjamin Moore Paint store South east of Pacific There are former window wells 2945 Dun as Street West Adjacent to TD bank South west of Medland Maintain 2 m clearance from the underground utility vault. 3035 Dundas Street West Adj scent to convenience store South west of High Park Protect existing trees Avenue Maintain clearance for all doorways Maintain clearance from hydro vault[/st_box]


more background info below

Place-making  Establish a welcoming public space in its own right. Use gardening, trees, seating, public art, lighting and other features to create an appealing environment in which to rest, gather with others or spend a moment enjoying the space. No electrical is proposed.

b. Sustainability  Create a green space that uses sustainable tree planting methods and native tree species; Consider tree/planting infrastructure to manage the stormwater run-off currently being funnelled into the combined storm sewers.  Provide opportunities for year-round interest, value/use. Design to protect existing trees.

c. Low Maintenance  Install a creative solution that implements robust materials which requires minimal maintenance.  Seating of concrete and stone with clean lines that extends from garden bed borders, native trees, perennial plants and flowers.

d. Pedestrian safety  Improve pedestrian safety. The sidewalk design should maintain a minimum 2.1 metre linear pedestrian clearance. The design should enhances pedestrian clearway and is accessible or all people. Maintain utility clearances.

e. Call for Artists  Prepare a Call For Artists and manage the creation of the artwork. The goal is to integrate public art as a multi-functional installation. It can be integrated with the furnishing, such as seating. That is, it is somehow integrated into the parkette design and infrastructure rather than a stand alone element. The parkette design along with the integrated public art component would acknowledge the history/heritage of the Junction area by way of a contemporary design expression to enhance the current context and its experience. The Vendor must provide a cost for the preparation of the call and managing the creation of the art work, under the Design Development Phase of the Price Schedule, Table 2. The artist would be a consultant included on each design team to assist with the identification of integrated art opportunities in the design and assist with its detailing and fabrication of the artwork. As part of the RFP we would request a portfolio/selection of works by the artist to be included as well. Given the smaller scale and budget of the project, there is an opportunity for proponent teams to be working with emerging artists, as well as more established artists.

f. Performance Space Design should provide opportunities for BIA events and potential for street closures.

g. Curb and sidewalk  Where needed, rebuild sidewalk and curbs to prevent vehicular ingress to the parkette. This will allow for street parking, where permitted.  The new sidewalk clearway is 2.1m.  Install a 1-foot concrete apron along the building to protect the basement area and to allow access for adjacent property owner.

h. Excluded from this project  Electrical and water services are excluded from this project.



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