Waterfront for All at their AGM November 27th to learn how you can get involved to help shape our waterfront.

It’s time to look to the future of our waterfront together, to continue to define it as a place to live, work and play.


Join Waterfront for All at their AGM November 27th to learn how you can get involved to help shape our waterfront as a clean, green, accessible waterfront for all!

In conjunction with its AGM, Waterfront for All is pleased to present two speakers: Chris Glaisek, Chief Planning & Design Officer, Waterfront Toronto and Nancy Gaffney, Waterfront Specialist, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Glaisek will guide us to: “The Future of Waterfront Revitalization: Aspirational Projects.” Gaffney will share exciting updates on the Scarborough Waterfront Project. These speakers will present their ideas and answer your questions.

Waterfront for All members will also elect a new Board of Directors for 2020.

Register at: https://www.facebook.com/events/409930819892462/

Date: Wednesday, Nov. 27th, 2019
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Place: 55 John Street, Room 310 (Metro Hall)

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