Agenda 4 West Toronto Junction Historical Society General Meeting tomorrow.

West Toronto Junction Historical Society
Annual General Meeting – Thursday 22 October 2020 – Zoom Webinar
AGM Agenda
1. Opening (Call to Order): Welcome by President Christopher Sears.
2. Meeting Format: Introduction to, and explanation of, electronic meeting format and electronic voting
protocols by Rebecca Holland
3. Confirmation of Quorum: (10 members in good standing are required for quorum)
4. By-law No. 2: Presentation and explanation of proposed By-law No. 2 concerning the authorizing of the
Society to employ electronic voting.
5. Confirmation of the AGM Agenda
6. Minutes: Minutes of previous AGM, Thursday May 2, 2019. Presented by Richard Lundeen
7. Treasurer's Report: by Acting Treasurer Christopher Sears
8. President's Report: by President Christopher Sears
9. Membership Report: by Membership Secretary David Bridge
10. Volunteer Coordinator: by Vandra Masemann
11. Leader and Recorder Editorial Group Report: by Chair Vandra Masemann.
12. Social Media Co-ordinator's Report: by Trevor Parkins-Sciberras
13. Archives Committee: by David Bridge & Christopher Sears
14. Announcements and Future Events: by Christopher Sears
15. Motion to accept the decisions and actions of the elected Officers and the Executive taken since the
previous AGM: by Christopher Sears
16. The Election and Related Motions: by Rebecca Holland
a) Slate of Officers for 2020: vote to close nominations
c) Election of Officers: Past Vice President Rebecca Holland to reiterate the voting procedures.
17. Motion to thank retiring members for their efforts: by Christopher Sears
18. Motion to adjourn the meeting

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