Gord Perks on the new federal government’s decision to remove the GST on purpose-built rentals

Direct funding to municipalities to build housing would be more effective, said Parkdale-High Park Coun. Gord Perks, the chair of the city’s planning and housing committee. His committee has been tasked by Mayor Olivia Chow to help the city act as a developer and help it achieve the municipality’s larger target of building 285,000 homes by 2031.

The tax cut is “helpful,” Perks said, but only “a small part of the cost of building housing.”

“It won’t change our practice at the city frankly, unless we get access to capital so that we can help not-for-profits and co-ops and public housing get built.”

source, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-housing-gst-local-reaction-1.6967861

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