All posts in 3385 Dundas Street West

3385 Dundas St. West

This site appears to be remaining as a car wash. Discount car and truck has a sign on the building too.

There was a agreement to develop the site as a seniors residence between Martinos Bros
And a developer that now appears to over.

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3385 Dundas Street West, Martino Bros. Car Wash. closed and being

The Martino Brothers Car Wash at 3385 Dundas Street West has stopped operating and a whole load of ___ and different types of contractors has descended on the building to convert it to what ___ will be a model show room for the upcoming senior’s residence.

A senior’s  residence at this location is going to greatly change the street ___ with a greater amount of people walking and crossing. This author is wondering if those if they’re going need a cross walking because it’s directly across from the super market and the mall instead of having the senior citizens walk up to Dundas St west and Runnymede Rd.

Right now with the car wash clinging to the south side and the clothing cleaning plant on the north both sides of Dundas st West become a common pass side walking environment.

This auother hopes that the residence units get  sold  quickly. So this area can become more vibrate with people instead of cars.

see this post for the new buildings details