All posts in Swansea

Was Swansea annexed by the city to get the Humber river and valley?

But Makes Changes in Conditions Laid Down By Mr. Smith.
Plan Includes Annexation of Humber Valley and Swansea.

Best east dating available of this text Globe and Mail, Month July, Year 1911, click image for full size date capture.

click for full size of date capture

Mr. R. Home Smith’s offer of a gift to the city of 105 acres in the Humber valley in connection with the boulevard driveway scheme was accepted by the City Council yesterday afternoon after some changes had been made In the conditions laid down by Mr. Smith. If these are not objected to by Mr. Smith and the deal Is completed Toronto will not only have saved the beautiful Humber River and valley from possible spoliation, but will have provided for a splendid driveway from the lake shore to Dundas Street as a part of the sea wall boulevard.



The city will have to apply to the Legislature for authority to carry the deal to its final stage, including the annexation of the Humber valley and Swansea.

The changes made In the terms suggested by Mr. Smith include a provision that the City Engineer and Park Commissioner be included with Mr. Smith in giving approval to the construction of the boulevard and bridges.

The clause stating that the city was to use Its -best-efforts” to obtain the legislation required, supported by Mr. Smith, was amended to read that Mr. Smith pay half the cost such legislation.

The proposed barbed-wire trespass-proof fence to divide the boulevard from other property was not approved by the Council, and the “barbs” were voted out. The fence Is to be a woven wire fence without barbs.

The city is to have the use of the stone In the bed of the Humber River as well as Mr. Smith. the city’s share of the stone to be used in the construction of the boulevard and bridges.

Terms of Agreement as Passed

Following are the conditions, in brief, as finally passed bt the City Council.

Mr. R. Home Smith is to give the City a free grant of the lands in the Humber Valley, on the east side of 104 acres; a road allowance of 100 feet width from Queen street to Bloor street;. two strips of land adjoining Bloor street and sufficient to widen Bloor street to a width of 100 feet for the length of the said strips; the city to use the road allowance and stripe adjoining Bloor street for the purpose of public highways; the city to annex the Swansea district and expropriate the Kennedy and Watson properties: the city to spend at least $25,000 per year for five years, beginning in 1912. on the construction of a first-class macadam or other suitable pavement along the central part of a driveway, etc., 100 feet in width, and bridges as part thereof, the same to be approved by the City Engineer, Park Commissioner. and Mr. Home Smith; the city to construct a trespass-proof fence of woven wire to divide this property from the property adjoining, not to cost more than $10,000; Mr. Home Smith to he permitted to remove stone from the bed of the river, from floor street to Dundee street, until January 1, 1915 and the city also to have the privilege of removing stone from the bed of the river to be used in developing the boulevard and constructing the bridges; Mr. Home Smith to support the city in obtaining the necessary legislation to carry nut the scheme, and Mr. Smith to pay half the expenses thereof.

Council Tired of Delays

At the outset of the discussion of the boulevard proposition, Ald. May moved to refer the matter back to the Board of Control in order to obtain reports from the Assessment Commissioner and the City Engineer as to the value of the lands mentioned in Mr. Smith’s gift and the cost of the construction of the road’s and bridges. Information was also desired as to whether the lands in question were at Mr. Smith’s disposal or were vested In the Crown. This resolution was seconded by Ald. Chisholm.

At first it seemed as if the majority of the members would vote for the reference back, but the discussion on this question kept lengthening out until finally the Council decided to deal with Mr. Smith’s proposal clause by clause. Thereupon it was passed, with the alterations mentioned.

Ald. May’s resolution to refer the matter beck was lost on the following vote: Yeas—Aldermen May, Dunn. Chisholm. Sweeny and McMurrIch—3; nays—Mayor Geary, Controller, Hocken, Ward, Church; Aldermen Mccarthy,O’Neill, Maguire. Phelan. Heyd. McCausland. Anderson, Graham. McBrien, and Yeomans-14.

During the discussion on Ald. May’s resolution the mover stated that he had been informed at the Parliament buildings that land Included In Mr. Smith’s offer belonged to the Crown. He said the proposed boulevard would coat over a million dollars.

It is not known whether or not Mr. Smith will agree to the altered terms of the agreement He was out of the city last night, and will be away for several days.


Humber Parkway Feb 13 2017 link to orig scan

1926 Lake Shore Boulevard West proposed condo development – the cities Section 37 requests to the OMB

The Project – Carttera Private Equities Inc. wants to use the frmr Four Points Sheraton Hotel site at 1926 Lake Shore Boulevard,to build a 847 units condo, in two towers. The site is a 1.1 acre at  Lake Shore Boulevard West and Windermere Avenue.

The site as the hotel…



the site with the proposed condo…


As of today there is little information about the project on the developers site




NOTE: this has to approved by the  Jan 15 2014 Etobicoke York Community Council.

currently it is a staff…


Request for Direction Report – 1926 Lake Shore Boulevard West – Zoning By-law

Amendment Application
(December 6, 2013) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District
The City Planning Division recommends that:

1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor, together with City Planning staff and any other appropriate staff to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing to oppose the appeal of the Zoning By-law Amendment application for 1926 Lake Shore Boulevard West, and to retain such outside experts as the City Solicitor may determine are required to support the position outlined in this report.

2. City Council direct the City Solicitor to request the OMB, in the event the OMB allows the appeal and permits the requested additional height or density to:

A) Secure the following community benefits as determined through consultation with the Ward Councillor’s office and enter into an Agreement to secure these benefits, pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act:

A payment in the amount of $2,600,000 (indexed to reflect increases in the Construction Price Statistics between the date of the OMB Order and the delivery of such payment), for the following:

i) $250,000 for restoration of stairs at Ormskirk Park;
ii) $950,000 for capital improvements to High Park including but not limited to the restoration of the Howard Park Gates, restoration of the Colborne Lodge stairs and improvements to the public trails;
iii) $100,000 to develop a BIXI bike station at Sir Casimir Gzowski Park; and
iv) $1,300,000 for the provision of non-profit childcare facilities in the local area.

B) As a legal convenience, secure the following in the Section 37 Agreement to support the development with timing and phasing of delivery to be determined:

i) Applicant shall design and construct a 1.7 m wide municipal sidewalk along the north side of Lake Shore Boulevard West to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager of Transportation Services and at no cost to the City;
ii) Applicant shall design and construct an increased eastbound left turn storage lane at the Lake Shore Boulevard West and Ellis Avenue intersection having a length of 110 m with a 30 m taper including the provision of financial securities to guarantee this work, all to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager of Transportation Services and at no cost to the City;
iii) Applicant shall modify the traffic signal timing at the Lake Shore Boulevard West and Ellis Avenue intersection to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager of Transportation Services and at no cost to the City; and
iv) Applicant shall grant in favour of the City a 5 m wide exclusive use surface and above-grade easement along the north property line for highway maintenance purposes to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager of Transportation Services.

C) Withhold its Order approving the Zoning By-law Amendment until:

a. The Owner has entered into an Agreement under Section 37 of the Planning Act to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to secure appropriate public benefits and that the Section 37 Agreement has been registered on title; and

b. The OMB has been advised by the City Solicitor that the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment has been amended to include minimum bicycle parking space requirements, minimum loading space requirements and appropriate setbacks from the Gardiner Expressway as outlined in this report and is in a form satisfactory to the City.

3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and any other City staff to take such actions as necessary to give effect to the recommendations of this report.
The owner of the site at 1926 Lake Shore Boulevard West has appealed its Zoning By-law Amendment application to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) citing Council’s failure to make a decision within the time required by the Planning Act. A Pre-Hearing Conference is scheduled for March 4, 2014, at which time a hearing date will be scheduled. The purpose of this report is to seek City Council’s direction for the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend the OMB in opposition to the applicant’s development proposal and appeal.

This application proposes to amend the former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86 to permit the redevelopment of 1926 Lake Shore Boulevard West with two residential towers of 42 and 48 storeys connected by a 4 storey podium. The proposed development would contain 847 residential units and have a floor area of 77,840 m2, representing a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 17.45 times the lot area.

The proposal is not supportable in its current form. The height and massing of the proposed 42 and 48 storey buildings would affect the use and enjoyment of the adjacent parklands through excessive shadowing and an inappropriate transition in building heights and massing.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(December 6, 2013) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding 1926 Lake Shore Boulevard West – Zoning By-law Amendment Application

Roaring through the Greater Junction Area by car – bump! or not


To help enforce road safety some cities in the USA and the city of  “West” Vancouver are giving optical illusion a try,  might it deserve attention here?
They’re must be designed  to gain your attention long enough  to quickly cause you totobey the speed limit.

These optically created speedbumps, or “virtual humps” are written about in the above linked NYtimes article.





Really love this one below.

Toronto GJA Councillors: Office Expense Reporting 2010 to 2011..oh the changes


During 2011 new councillors aimed and accomplished the reduction of their office budgets of their old counter parts, while returning councillors greatly reduced their spending. Is this all  simply political thrift, that has come about by the seeming dissatisfaction with the politicos running the city, or do the people really want their elected people saving ten to twenty thousand dollars of their office budget.

Considering that these budgets are used by the councillor to service their electors. Is there simply grater loss than the saving of the funds.


below the blog has captured the 2010 and 2011 spending amounts of the area councillors.


Descriptive text from City web site…

Each Councillor has an office expense budget to pay for expenses that are allowable under the Councillor Expense Policy. City Council, at its meeting of April 15, 2010, approved a 5% reduction in the office expense budget for each Councillor. The annual budget of $53,100 has been reduced to $50,445. As 2010 is an election year, Councillors are allocated 11/12ths of the approved office expense budget until the end of the Council term, November 30, 2010, therefore each Councillor has an office expense budget of $46,241.25. The remaining 1/12th of the budget is allocated to December for returning Councillors. New Councillors also receive 1/12th of the allocation, $4,203.75 for the month.The Mayor has an annual operating budget approved by Council. Expenses disclosed relate to non-salary expenditures from this budget.



This is your post template. Shouldn’t you add a little more?

Bikeway Network – 2011 Update 1st consideration June 23 2011


This item will be considered by Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on June 23, 2011. It will be considered by City Council on July 12, 2011, subject to the actions of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.

The Acting General Manager, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1.         City Council endorse the direction and implementation of the Mayor’s Bike Plan comprising a 100 km network of off-street bike trails and completion of critical on-street bike lane connections where the community supports them….

and where they do not impede traffic flow.


two areas where  they are in consideration in the greater wards 11,12,13,14 and greater Junction are…


3.         City Council approve modifications to the bicycle lanes on Dupont Street at the approach to the intersection with Lansdowne Avenue, to move the beginning of bicycle lanes from a point 30 metres east of Lansdowne Avenue to a point 70 metres west of Lansdowne Avenue.


4.         City Council provide direction regarding the installation of approved bicycle lanes on Bloor Street West, from Mill Road to Beamish Drive.

full report PDF link Bikeway Network – 2011 Update.pdf


Background Information
(June 9, 2011) Report and Appendices 1 to 7 from the Acting General Manager, Transportation Services, on Bikeway Network – 2011 Update

Source: Toronto City Clerk at via Sarah Doucette @DoucetteWard13



An idea so great I cannot stop thinking about it bringing a farmers’ market to Ward 13 of Toronto






so so happy this is happening and its a resident lead project.

a number of people have send in a request to post this and the blog thanks you all, I used Chris’s text because it gave so much info…


from their site


The Ward 13 Farmers’ Market Initiative is a group of local residents who are interested in bringing a Farmers’ Market to Ward 13. With guidance from a community animator from LiveGreen Toronto, the group has been meeting regularly to develop and implement a strategy to have a market in the area as soon as possible. Committees include Market Models, Governance, Community Outreach, Location, Permits & Logistics. If you are interested on joining our efforts, please contact Whitney Crooks at 647-409-9448 or or email us at


An overview and survey info  from Chris a member of the initiative


An initiative that is working on bringing a farmers’
market to Ward 13 of Toronto. We believe that farmers’ markets work best
when they’re situated close to those who shop there. Local and fresh
produce, farmed in Ontario should be available to everyone without having
to make a lengthy journey outside of their own neighbourhood.

We’re currently in the planning stages of the initiative and need
community input into what kind of farmers’ market they would like to have
in their neighbourhood. I encourage you to fill out the survey below and
forward this email to your constituents. We’re trying to reach as many
people as possible and groups like yours are the perfect channel for
spreading the word locally.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all.

It’s farmers market season again! Wouldn’t you love to shop at a farmers
market in your own neighborhood? The Ward 13 Farmers Market Initiative is
working on bringing that vision to reality.

Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts with us by taking our
short survey. Please go to our website at or click on
the link below:

Baby Point Gates BIA created

Ward 13 business efforts will be further enhanced by the creation of this BIA, a long and strong effort by some local business owners and local – “feet on the ground” city Councillor Bill Saundercook, who spearheaded the long effort to have this happen in the Jane St and the Annette St area.  The new BIA was formally approved at the June 8-9th meeting of Toronto City Council. Today, on June 23rd, Councillor Saundercook attended the first meeting of the newly established Baby Point Gates BIA Steering cmte.
The Baby Point Gates BIA is the 3rd BIA in Ward 13. The other two BIAs are the Bloor West Village and the Junction BIA.The inaugural meeting of the newly formed Baby Point Gates BIA.

Background material links (hosted here at the blog) Take a look at the timeline to see the long effort.

Proposed Baby Point Gates BIA Process & Timelines

It’s happening elsewhere, can it happen in Ward 13

The new Luna Park opened in Coney Island this weekend, just look at it – this must have been what Sunnyside amusement park would have looked like in the past.

If new York can rebuilt it maybe we should?

Link to History of Sunnyside Midway From Above c. 1949

The west local gap and rights of access to the waterfront

The west local gap at Parkdale

This author has had the opportunity to walk west and then back again from St Josephs hospital in the past months quite a bit. What really struck during the walks was the what the blog is naming the west local gap – the west ends  portion of a problem that extends across the city.  The gap of continuity of place and neighborhood the Gardiner expressway and the QEW  as well as the Lakeshore Rd create between the west commnities and the waterfront.

The view above taken from the hospitals front is right across from one of the west waterfronts most beautiful areas. To arrive at this area one must walk almost three blocks east past the TTC yards to Queen St – cross to reach a pedestrian bridge, or walk about 4 blocks to the west and cross at 2 sets of lights traveling south.

Should these roads be moved underground?  Yes it would cost but the benefits would out weigh  the cost.

From nut and bolt plant to high-rise on Swansea Works lands

From the beautiful Stelco parts plants on the Swansea Works lands we now have this rather good-looking building. The views from the suites must be great both towards the lake and the city core.

This author views it as a great addition to the community and the beach-scape and could only be made better by the addition of some light engineering making or manufacturing on the ground levels. 🙂

11 police Division Relocation building use?

Over at the Junction RA site there is a discussion going on about what to do with the old police station when the building is no longer required by the police.

As to “demo-state” what can be done “within an existing structure of an old jail the blog offers this video example. ………………..where a jail is converted to a hotel.


Mari Cia Ro 457 Roncesvalles Ave.

Maria chi ro ron village

ro stockistsDSC00111

Mari Cla Ro is a beautiful new store in Toronto on Roncesvalles.

from their site:

Mariclaro Canada is a small design collective based in Toronto whose aim is to create sustainable designs. We focus mainly, but not exclusively, on the production of bags. All Mariclaro bags are 99% recycled (the 1% is made up of thread and our logo; still not available recycled) and made in a sustainable way (more >>).

We think it is important to demonstrate that it is possible to create functional and aesthetically appealing goods from waste material. We value producing a high quality finished product, made locally by hand. Furthermore we try to create an alternative income and apply the knowledge of reusing material as a development project.We support fair trade, sweatshop free production, and pay fair wages. It is one step to environmentally conscious consumer culture.

For two reasons the idea to reuse material and make bags was born in Campeche Mexico. First, in this region the recycling culture is not well developed. Second, there are a lot of usable materials including a large variety of vinyl event posters all over the place. Mariclaro was created on a specific night in Campeche. We just put together the names of the three ladies at the table Marilyn, Claudia andRosie.

web de


Keele subway spicy concrete

keele subway repairs DSC00118

Text from the TTC’s planning statement

The structural upgrades will generally consist of the construction of five new piers within the parking lot to provide additional support of the bridge deck. All work will be conducted within the property of the commuter parking lot.

keele sub 2 DSC00117A large drilling rig will be used to auger 10 large diameter caisson holes located outside of the bridge structure; 5 holes on either side of the bridge. The caisson holes will be drilled below grade to a depth of approximately 18 metres with a diameter of 1.8 metres.  In this regard, the augering, the installation of reinforcement steel cages and placing concrete into the holes will be conducted primarily during the daytime hours however, work may extend into the evening hours in order to complete key operations associated with the caissons.

Each pair of caissons will be joined by excavating the area between 2.2 x 3.0 x 13 metres and placing concrete to grade level to form a concrete beam over the caissons.  A steel frame will be placed and permanently rest on each beam, which will be jacked up to the underside of the bridge to provide added support.

Book found – thanks

Thank to the two blog readers that sent in the title of the book (SP & Jay) for helped me locate the book


Toronto Sprawls: A History (University of Toronto Centre for Public Management Monograph) (Paperback)

Lawrence Solomon (Author)

here is the link:

(link provided by SP)


09-01-2010 7-44-42 PM

Meeting announcement from the Fuzzy Boundaries group:

More than a year ago, a residents’ group called Fuzzy Boundaries asked
the community to name the neighbourhood, and since then more than 200
ideas have been put forward.

You are invited to our third public meeting, where residents will make
their pitch for a favourite name.

There will be no keynote speaker, just a gathering of neighbours
exchanging ideas. Brockton Addition? Junction Triangle? The Railpath?
As always, it promises to be a lively and engaging discussion.
Afterwards, vote for your choice January 15 to 29 at or at the Perth/Dupont Library.

When?: Thursday January 14, 7pm, at 45 Ernest Avenue (the new Boys and
Girls Club location).

All are welcome to attend this free event.

For details, call Kevin at 416-537-1128 or visit where discussions about our great neighbourhood
take place online.