Sears Catalogue store – Dundas St. West @ Keele

I just saw the most amazing thing on Dundas. The Sears Catalogue store- that has been at 2876  since I moved here 3 years ago, and which I’m sure has been here for a lot longer, and which I’ve been in once to purchase I can’t remember what (that they didn’t have), that I’m sure has been very useful to many people for a long time, though I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone go there, and the existence of which has always flabbergasted me because a Sears Catalogue store, it seems to me, should be obsolete- this Sears Catalogue store was all papered up and obviously closed down. Then, I saw the sign in the window: ‘we have moved to 2868 ‘. And , sure enough, the racks of clothes and housewares and various items were all transported and restocked just two doors down. I think we should all make a point of stopping in and welcoming them to their new location.

Posted by Louis

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