Sanitary Sewer Replacement on St. Clair Avenue — the costing


Wondering what that work in the green hoarding is costing by the St Clair Ave  and Keele St. Mcdonalds is costing?

Sanitary Sewer Replacement on St. Clair Avenue from Keele Street to Symes Road is costing,$8,157,709.40 including all applicable taxes and charges. The cost to the City is $7,769,247.05 net of G.S.T. Funding for the contract award is included in the approved 2009 Toronto Water Capital Budget.

This work being done in Ward No: 11 – York South – Weston with the following details

Staff Recommended Bidder: McNally Construction Inc. Contract Award Value: $7,769,247.05 net of G.S.T. $8,157,709.40 including all applicable taxes and charges

Number of Bids: (that came in for the project) Three (3)

Financial Impact:

The total contract award identified in this report is $8,157,709.40 including all applicable

taxes and charges. The cost to the City is $7,769,247.05 net of G.S.T. Funding for the

contract award is included in the approved 2009 Toronto Water Capital Budget, in the

have questions about the project…

Division Contacts:

D. Ferguson R.A. Noehammer, P. Eng.

Manager, Construction Services Manager, Design and Construction

Purchasing and Materials Management Technical Services, Etobicoke York District

Telephone: (416) 392-7323 Telephone: (416) 394-8399

e-mail: dfergus(at) e-mail: rnoeham(at)

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