The amazing new Parkdale Village Business Improvement Area Capital Design Strategy

The 97 page report about the Parkdale Village Business Improvement comprehensive streetscape audit and strategy is an interesting read for people concerned with a strategy for community development.

The Junction also requires such a study, getting one started which has been spoken about for a lot of people needs to happen if the community is to have input into the “development” of the community.

from the report…

In 2008, the BIA Board of Management agreed to undertake a comprehensive streetscape audit and strategy in order to develop a framework for consistent treatment to the public realm within their boundary. A Steering Committee of the Board oversaw the development of the strategy that included input from the BIA general membership and other local stakeholders. The BIA Board subsequently adopted the Parkdale BIA Capital Design Strategy, as prepared by Urban Strategies and Victor Ford and Associates, at its February 2, 2009, meeting.

DECBEMBER 2008 report – opens PDF in new window

Staff report opens PDF in new window

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