The Junction Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study At its meeting on May 13, 2014, Toronto and East York Community Council nominated the Junction (east of Keele Street) for consideration as a Heritage Conservation District (HCD). The Junction Heritage Conservation District study area consists of both sides of Dundas Street West between Gilmour Avenue and Humberside Avenue. The subject site is located within the boundary for the proposed Junction HCD.
On January 31, 2018, City Council directed City Planning staff to initiate Phase 1 of the Heritage Conservation District study for the Junction. HCD studies consist of a two part process, and involve a combination of research, field review and analysis, including extensive and meaningful consultation with the community prior to Council considering the designation. At the conclusion of Phase 1, a recommendation is made by staff to the Toronto Preservation Board for the creation of an HCD Plan including a proposed boundary, and/or may recommend other planning tools. This may include the designation of individual properties, creation of urban design guidelines, secondary plans or zoning by-law amendments.
Heritage Preservation Services was circulated on this application. As the study of the proposed Junction Heritage Conservation District has not commenced, staff did not have any comments on the proposed development