West of the Grounds the driveway Is carried to the of the high bank, from which a splendid view over the lake Is afforded. and will continue along this high bank to a point lust east of Sunnyside Station, where It will descend again to the elevation of eight feet above the lake and will be carried at this elevation through to the Humber River. where connection will be made with the boulevard and driveway to be constructed by the city up the Humber Valley. From Sunnyside to the Humber. distance of slightly over a mlle. one of the most interesting portions of the work planned by the Commissioners will be carried out. Provision will be made for a four-track radial railway entrance to the city from the West on an elevation equal to that occupied by the Tracks. From these radial tracks connection can be made at a later slate, desired. with any subway system from Sunnyside to the centre of the city. This reservation will be eighty feet wide : its southerly limit will be an average of thirty feet south of the present Lake Shore Road. A new sixty-slx foot street will be provided to replace the present
Lake Shore Road. and south of this new street will be the
reservation for commercial purposes previously mentioned. The buildings erected on this area will front on a terrace. fifty-five feet wide, and at an elevation eight feet above the boulevard and driveway and sixteen feet above the lake. This terrace will be equipped with wide concrete walks at both sides and a park-treatment in the centre, and will be divided from the boulevard proper by concrete retaining wall and parapet broken at short intervals by openings forty feet in width. through which there will be access by means of broad concrete steps to the lower promenade and boulevard. Outside the boulevard and driveway, which includes also throughout its whole length promenade walks and bridle path, there will be a fine sand bathing beach. fronting on the protected waterway for a distance of about a mile and