It’s time to look to the future of our waterfront together, to continue to define it as a place to live, work and play.
Join Waterfront for All at their AGM November 27th to learn how you can get involved to help shape our waterfront as a clean, green, accessible waterfront for all!
In conjunction with its AGM, Waterfront for All is pleased to present two speakers: Chris Glaisek, Chief Planning & Design Officer, Waterfront Toronto and Nancy Gaffney, Waterfront Specialist, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Glaisek will guide us to: “The Future of Waterfront Revitalization: Aspirational Projects.” Gaffney will share exciting updates on the Scarborough Waterfront Project. These speakers will present their ideas and answer your questions.
Waterfront for All members will also elect a new Board of Directors for 2020.
Register at:
Place: 55 John Street, Room 310 (Metro Hall)