Annette Street Realignment at Laws Street 1963 caused thirteen houses on the south side of Annette Street were demolished

above as it was, below as it is…


Annette Street – Because of modern day increases in traffic volumes

Realignment and speed, a significant rise in traffic accidents

and fatalities was being experienced on the curved

stretch of Annette Street in the vicinity of Laws Street. The close

proximity of two elementary schools compounded the necessity for

immediate solution of these problems.

During the Summer of 1963 thirteen houses on the

south side of Annette Street were demolished to make way for a compeke realignment of the roadway between Clendenan and Evelyn Avenues.

Construction commenced in September, 1963, and

was completed on November 30, 1963. The contract cost was $77,258,

but utility relocations, property costs, etc. , increased the capital cost

to $328,875.


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