Park People webinar series explores creative ways Canada’s city park departments can partner with community groups, nonprofits

Clearing land near the Don River for the cities storm water/portlands park project.

Park People webinar series explores creative ways Canada’s city park departments can partner with community groups, nonprofits and other agencies to activate the power of parks in cities across Canada.

Park professionals, city staff, funders and members of the parks community will gain practical insights rooted in leading-edge examples of partnerships that have succeeded in creatively bringing city parks and public spaces to life.
Learn moreThis free webinar series is part of Park People’s professional services. Visit our website to learn more about our city park experts, and the wonderful work they do putting people at the centre of parks and public spaces.

Leading Trends in City Park Partnerships

Wednesday, April 15 at 1:00 pm EST


Discover a wide range of partnership models used in city parks across Canada and explore the differences between Canadian and American park partnership models.

Rooted in Park People’s Canadian City Parks Report and a decade of work on park governance, we will share the latest opportunities and challenges emerging in Canada’s park partnerships.

Speakers:  Dave Harvey: Park People Founder and Executive Director Jake Tobin Garrett: Park People Policy and Planning Manager Register

Riverdale Park East.


What to Know Before Entering Into Park Partnerships

Thursday, May 7 at 1:00 pm EST

This webinar will highlight what successful park partnerships look like and the best practices to achieve great partnership outcomes.

Rooted in Park People’s extensive research and consulting on partnerships in city parks across Canada, this webinar will help you understand how to create the right partnership for your park and how to cultivate long term partnerships rooted in openness, accountability and public engagement.

Speakers:  Dave Harvey: Park People Founder and Executive Director Natalie Brown: Park People National Program Manager



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