Junction people of note, W. H. Mallay

1886 W. H. Mallay it Oo., Accountants, Real Estate,
Financial and Manufacturers’ Agents, No. 4 King
Street East,—The rapid increase in the popu-
lation and growth of the city, and the necessity
of additional accommodation, have of late years caused the business of real estate to be an enterprising and busy one, and in those prose-cuting its calling are to be found the names of some of our most prominent citizens. Among those who have most recently joined its ranks must be numbered Mr. W. H. Malley, who though but a few months in the profession, has yet had placed in
his care for disposal a large amount of city and country property, having on his list a considerable number of eligible sites and market garden lands in
the thriving and growing suburb known as West Toronto Junction, in which place he himself owns considerable property. Although a young man, Mr, Malley has had considerable and varied experience in commercial life in Toronto ; he buys, sells, leases, etc., all classes of real estate, negotiates loans, collects house and other rents, and is also a practical accountant and general collector, and to everybranch of his business devotes his personal attention ; he is also agent for the Canada Brush Co., of Windsor, manufacturers of patent brushes of every variety and ofimproved make. Mr. Malley is a native of Ireland, and is deservedly popular in a large circle of social and commercial communities. Parties placing pro-perty in his hands for disposal.


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