Agenda 4 West Toronto Junction Historical Society General Meeting Thursday 22 October 2020.

West Toronto Junction Historical Society
Annual General Meeting – Thursday 22 October 2020 –
1. Opening (Call to Order): Welcome by President Christopher Sears.
2. Meeting Format: Introduction to, and explanation of, electronic meeting format and electronic voting
protocols by Rebecca Holland
3. Confirmation of Quorum: (10 members in good standing are required for quorum)
4. By-law No. 2: Presentation and explanation of proposed By-law No. 2 concerning the authorizing of the
Society to employ electronic voting.
5. Confirmation of the AGM Agenda
6. Minutes: Minutes of previous AGM, Thursday May 2, 2019. Presented by Richard Lundeen
7. Treasurer’s Report: by Acting Treasurer Christopher Sears
8. President’s Report: by President Christopher Sears
9. Membership Report: by Membership Secretary David Bridge
10. Volunteer Coordinator: by Vandra Masemann
11. Leader and Recorder Editorial Group Report: by Chair Vandra Masemann.
12. Social Media Co-ordinator’s Report: by Trevor Parkins-Sciberras
13. Archives Committee: by David Bridge & Christopher Sears
14. Announcements and Future Events: by Christopher Sears
15. Motion to accept the decisions and actions of the elected Officers and the Executive taken since the
previous AGM: by Christopher Sears
16. The Election and Related Motions: by Rebecca Holland
a) Slate of Officers for 2020: vote to close nominations
c) Election of Officers: Past Vice President Rebecca Holland to reiterate the voting procedures.
17. Motion to thank retiring members for their efforts: by Christopher Sears
18. Motion to adjourn the meeting

In preparation, please see the links below for the budget, list of board candidates, minutes from 2019’s AGM, and agenda for the current AGM.

Budget Documents:

Electronic Voting Bylaw:

Board Members to be elected:

2019 Minutes:

2020 Agenda:

Join Zoom Meeting pasted

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