Go Transit – Electrification Study Update Meeting – Georgetown Corridor

Train passing over an area of the diamond project where the overpass will be.

The update meeting will be held Thursday, May 27th 2010 from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. at the Lithuanian House, 1573 Bloor Street West. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an update on the Electrification Study progress to date.  The meeting format will consist of a presentation by the Electrification Study Team, followed by an opportunity for participants to ask questions and offer feedback on the work completed to date.

The construction and the train


It's good to see the issue of electrification moving forward. With electrified GO services on the Georgetown corridor, we'll have a great commuter rail service in the GTA with a far smaller impact on the communities around the rail corridor like ours.

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