Old ballroom in The Campbell Block becoming apartments



The old ballroom in The Campbell block (Keele St. and Dundas St. W., which is being cleared out, in preparation for conversion to apartment.


Thks to blog reader Norman for letting the blog know this.


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  1. John says:

    Any chance of seeing picture of this room?

  2. junctionist says:

    I’d love to see it as well. I’m surprised it hasn’t been converted yet. I assumed that the 2nd and 3rd floors were all apartments.

  3. Norman Perrin says:

    Hi John,

    Jim still reluctant to open the room, working on it.

  4. michael says:

    hey just came across this ,,,,
    i use to live in that building as a kid in the late 70s
    i was friends with the super there
    i remember that ballroom….it was used for storage and it was so cool….unchanged for a hundred years except elec lights in modified old gas ones,,,chandelier type lol
    there was small change rooms either side of the small raised stage….
    all the ceilings were old embossed copper…..
    the back of the stage had 4 windows overlooking dundas st….
    i remember it took up a great part of the third floor area….
    i remember it was a big enough area that there were columns …decorative posts up there.
    all the floors had orig linoleum covering…it was a cool place..it was like a time capsule basically unchanged and hidden..for many years….
    i also remember the basement areas and boiler area….dirt covered floors…..in a long unlit walkway to get there…never really changed over the years.
    i have a lot of fond and not so fond memories of living there and all the people ive met there….
    id love to come across the orig building blueprints for that block…been trying but no luck///
    anyone know were to look????
    does Rolin Reality still own the building????

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