Dumping of waste in the Junction



The past month or so, a greater amount of illegal dumping has occurred in the hood. A few examples.


Vine Park dumping

Today sept 28th 2011 Vine parkette



Mulock Ave dumping Sept 26th -2011 12-50PM


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  1. Vic says:

    I don’t understand why people would go to so much effort, and risk of a fine, to illegally dump a couch. I guess they don’t know that the City takes oversized items like this for free, right from your curb. So much easier to just put it out with your garbage, rather than try to haul it away somewhere.

  2. Junctioneer says:

    agreed, its q simple call.

  3. Ron Popeil says:

    Call the property standards people. This will be cleaned up in 48 hours if you do.

  4. Manny says:

    Anyone know the number for ‘property standards people’ so the area residents can call now and in the future if it happens again?

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