CPR train in the Junction Nov 28th 8:15

The Canadian Holiday Train will be in the Junction on

750 Runnymede Road, in front of Lambton Yard

2016-11-28 8:15 PM 8:30 PM – 9:00 PM

about the train…

Councillor Bill spearheaded getting trains in the year 2008 year moving it here from its downtown stopping place, which took him a number of years.

At each event, the Holiday Train provides a box car stage, a line up of great musical talent and a corporate contribution to the local food bank. The community, in turn, is encouraged to donate food and funds, all of which stays in the community.

This is the 18th year that the Canadian Pacific (CP) Holiday Train has been raising food, money and awareness for food banks in communities across Canada and the U.S.




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