West Bend Dundas St.W. train noise wall, ugh! The west bend gets knocked.


  Now that the sound barrier wall is being set in place along the Dundas St. W. / Dupont curve, you can really see that this imposing structure is going to destroy one of the most beautiful street curves in the Junction.

In every area history, light, wind, and sound was able to flow across the tracks providing a real experience of the community. One where people lived, worked and coexisted creating a very special, culture owned by all. The Junction was and is a special place in the city where that a melded spirit can be and is created for common purpose and joy.
This blog author and I think everyone else will surely miss the light streaming across the tracks and on to Dundas St. W. The sound of the bend is missed now as it has been gone for so long.
The wall being set in place now is to “protect” the area from the noise of commuter trains.


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  1. Raymond says:

    Looks like a real eyesore!

  2. Passerby says:

    Heartbreakingly ugly. The trees and gardens all gone. The whole UP express fiasco.
    It’s unbelievable.

  3. john says:

    Looks like shite.. terrible.

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