Picture credit – Uncle Tubby 2008
The City of Toronto wants to use funds gained from developers under section 37 to fund of Heritage Conservation District Studies. Section 37 allows the city through a zoning by-law, approve increases in height and/or density beyond what the zoning by-law would otherwise permit, in return for facilities, services or matters (community benefits) as are set out in the by-law. aTo use the funds in this way the city must amendment Official Plan. In November of last year City Council has approved this amendment in principle. They then were to proceed with mapping of the specific areas, and as they have stated the amendment is not expected to be adopted until May, 2008 at the earliest.
The potential benefits for Including Heritage Conservation District Studies under Section 37 are many for West Toronto. These studies allow City Council to protect and enhance the special character of properties in an area. The character is established by the overall heritage quality of buildings, streets and open spaces as seen together.
Many communities in Toronto are rapidly losing much of their built historical character by the unregulated building changes in terms of heritage and in some cases the simple removal of architectural elements inherent to the community for simple profitable sale by the building owners and individuals who engage in such businesses.