a few weeks of Junction park watch

Today we start a new experiment on this blog,

…with all the happenings at various parks in the Junction area, much of it happening without the knowledge, let alone the input of the  people who use the parks and consider them an important part of their lives. It was thought, the time to watch the parks a lot more closely is now.

To do this we gave 5 people who live across or near some parks in the Junction, and are home most days, – some who work from a home office and others who are stay at home parents disposable cameras (all cameras paid for my a Junction industrial business. Thanks) and asked them to take pictures of work being done to their park.

We will collect the images and their reports and post them on the blog, and see what comes of it.

If you want to include a few of your park pics just email them to thejunctioneer@gmail.com (we like pics of big parks department trucks)

Posted by Robert

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