The Junction Parents blog has an post about Dr. Jack Newman’s Breastfeeding clinic is out of funds… again
From the The Toronto Star click the above link to visit The Junction Parents Blog for a link to the complete story and a link to the clinics site
A renowned Toronto clinic that has helped thousands of mothers successfully breastfeed their infants is pleading for financial help to keep its doors open.
The Newman Breastfeeding Clinic & Institute, which sees about 2,400 mothers a year and is a popular resource for educators and health-care professionals, has been financed privately by a family foundation since 2005.
On Sept. 30 that arrangement will end, clinic founder and pediatrician Dr. Jack Newman said yesterday. The clinic will only be able to operate for a couple of months without more money. Newman is prepared to use his own savings, but only for a little while.
Posted by Robert