Within the span of three months two dogs where electrocuted when they stepped on metal plates at the base of hydro poles in the junction.
One incident took place in November and the other at the beginning of January. Both events took place on Keele street close to Annette.
Apparently water seeps into the hole covered by the metal plate and if the sheathing that normally covers the wires has separated (due to our ageing infrastructure,amoung other factors) it can complete a circuit between the subterranean devices and the metal plate above. It is my understanding that there are approximately 40,000 of these hand wells scattered throughout our city. Toronto Hydro inherited some of these hand wells from other utilities during amalgamation.
At last weeks meeting for the West Bend Residents Association, councillor Gord Perks addressed this issue.
Mr. Perks assured that residents that within a three month period, all hand wells will be tested by hand, starting with those in the Junction. Hydro will insulate all hand wells eventually and will be purchasing new equipment to do routine testing.
It is important to note that there is no danger to people. But it is my opinion that pet owners should still take precautions especially in wet conditions.Signs that your pet may be a victim are: excessive panting, trouble breathing, unconsciousness near the source of power, a burn across the area where the animal came in contact with the electricity, cardiac arrest.
If your animal shows any of these signs, a vet should be consulted immediately.
For information on how to give first aid to dogs suffering from electrical shock you can go towww.ehow.com and type first aid for dogs into the search bar.
It is heart breaking that someone has to lose a beloved pet in order to create an awareness for the rest of the public.
Our condolences go out to the owners and friends of Pierre and Mrak.
Posted By Linda C. Co -chair Junction RA