What is a Rain Garden?
A rain garden is a shallow depression planted with native flowers and grasses and positioned to receive runoff from roofs, sidewalks, driveways and lawns allowing water to slowly soak into the ground. As a water quality and conservation system, it works to; filter runoff from your roof and lawn, recharge the groundwater, gather, hold and then use rainwater thus saving precious water resources.
Why plant a Rain Garden? —Rain gardens are an inexpensive, simple to implement and environmentally sound solution to stormwater runoff.
A Rain Garden will:
· Reduce standing water in your yard & opportunities for mosquito breeding · Filter runoff pollution· Recharge local groundwater· Create habitat for birds & butterflies· Enhance sidewalk appeal· Increase beneficial insects that eliminate pest insects · Reduce potential of home flooding· Improve water quality· Protect rivers and streams· Reduce garden maintenance and increase garden enjoyment· Conserve water
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Interested in installing a rain garden at your home? A guide from , “Rain Gardens in Connecticut: a Design Guide for Homeowners”, provides simple yet detailed information on how to construct a rain garden at your own home.
All images – State of Connecticut