Two Toronto Councillors are proposing refunds for Toronto residents for the loss of city services during the strike. Full motion below
Councillor Palacio, seconded by Councillor Nunziata, recommends that:
1. City Council request the City Manager to report to the next meeting of City Council on:
a. the feasibility of rebating garbage charges, and other appropriate fees and charges for services not delivered but directly billed for, during the strike;
b. the feasibility of rebating, crediting, or otherwise compensating non-profit organizations who the City supports with grants, and that can demonstrate significant financial loss as a result of the strike;
c. a detailed report of the site conditions, including remediation plans where necessary and the possibility of long-term soil and groundwater contamination at all of the temporary garbage storage sites; and
d. a comprehensive accounting of the additional costs and savings to the City as a result of the Strike.
Following the conclusion of the labour disruption organized by Local 416 and 79, Council should explore the feasibility of several measures that could help to correct some of the problems created by the strike and rebuild the trust and confidence of the public.
The citizens and non-profit organizations of Toronto suffered through the strike, therefore theyshould be compensated where it is possible and reasonable for the City to do so.
(Submitted to City Council on August 5, 2009 as MM38.7)
With the city running head first in a deficit I think any rebate will only result in an equivalent increase next year.
The media was claiming the recent strike would be the major topic of next years election, my guess is it will be forgotten this time next year when we’re talking about a 7 to 10 percent property tax increase and program cuts.
Don't let people forget. It’s time to take back the city from the Union Endorsed politicians. Make the Union endorsement toxic, so no hopeful Politician will seek out the Union vote. Are you listening Miller & McGuinty? Get the Union support lose the election! You cannot govern a City or Province if your hands are tied buy the people who put you there!
Time to break the Public Service and Teacher’s unions once and for all, they are essential services!