Post office closing over post office outlet over marketing
(see update below)
The blog though it would be fair and reasonable to post the reasons Canada Post wanted to close down the Junction Gardens Post office. Starting with a real person search of their website and then a Google “site” search, nothing turned up, no press releases, no publicly available statements or plans. A telephone call was made and after 20 minutes on hold we were told a question such as this must be made though their online contact us form and they would reply within one to two business days.
Which has been done yet, why should a simple question about were to find information about an impending closure of a community post office not be addressed on their site or though a wider public communication such as newspaper ads?
…we did find a lot of the subject at the Canadian Union of Postal Workers site
Tuesday 3:38pm UPDATE: submitted by Martin L (upped from the comments section) The JRA’s urban person.
…just got an update from Canada Post regarding the closure.
The store is closing the end of October, no new outlet is opening and the service is moving to the already existing outlet at the Shopper Drug Mart at Keele and St. Clair.
I was told the issue is the store “is too narrow to fit the new image”. The customer service rep went on to explained that Canada Post is implementing a Canada wide marketing effort called “New Maple” and the store simply doesn’t fit the display panels.
I can’t believe we’re loosing our post office outlet over marketing!
I just got an update from Canada Post regarding the closure.
The store is closing the end of October, no new outlet is opening and the service is moving to the already existing outlet at the Shopper Drug Mart at Keele and St. Clair.
I was told the issue is the store "is too narrow to fit the new image". The customer service rep went on to explained that Canada Post is implementing a Canada wide marketing effort called "New Maple" and the store simply doesn't fit the display panels.
I can't believe we're loosing our post office outlet over marketing!
What is our government thinking?
The Junction BIA asks us to contact Gerard Kennedy and Cheri diNovo to save our Post Office.
info@cheridinovo, KenneG1@parl
A petition to keep this retail postal outlet open is available for signatures at the store.
Canada Post, Shoppers Drugmart, the LCBO, Beer Store etc. are all stores which can thrive in a main street environment such as The Junction, AND generate the type of foot traffic that this and other areas of the City so dearly need. And yet now instead of walking to buy a book of stamps (or a bottle of wine etc.), Canada Post seem to have become another corporation to adopt these '1 size fits all' big-box business solutions which suck the life and vibrancy from our streets and end up forcing us into our cars. From a planning, consumer-convenience and an environmental perspective this decision doesn't make sense.
To counter this, Canada Post, Shoppers, LCBO etc. will all tell you that Keele & St Clair is within a walkable distance from The Junction. As they see it on the map this would appear to be true; the reality, however, is a pedestrian environment so miserable, uninviting, and at times unsafe, that most would choose to navigate it on 4 wheels rather than 2 feet
Well said Cecilia!
You can also contact the Conservative cabinet minister in charge of Canada Post – Hon Rob Merrifield at his website or Ottawa Office:
Room 304 Justice Building, House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Phone: (613) 992-1653
Fax: (613) 992-3459
also the NDP shadow cabinet critic for Canada Post is David Christopherson
FYI – just got forwarded an email Gerard Kennedy is holding a public meeting to discuss community issues i.e. Economy and the Environment on Saturday Oct 17 from 2-4 pm at Runnymede Public School
357 Runnymede Road (at Colbeck Street) which might be a good opportunity to discuss this issue
Wonderful.. .more "discussions'"! They're so effective I find…. see what we did with Metrolinx and how we stopped those deisel trains? Or the car wash on Dundas? Man did we win that one!
talk talk talk… seems thats all Junction residents do.