30 Weston Rd. requires Tree Preservation and Archaeological Assessment

18-12-2009 10-50-12 AM

Informational post 2 on the 30 Weston Rd development

The creation of the retail power centre at the old Bunge Plant at St Clair west and Old Weston Rd has stated a city requirement to…

From city staff reports..

Tree Preservation

This application is subject to the provisions of By-law 780-2004, regarding tree

protection. The applicant has submitted an Arborist Report/Tree Preservation Plan, which

is currently being reviewed by staff.

Archaeological Assessment

The site is within the Interim Screening Areas for Archaeological Potential identified in

the Archaeological Master Plan of the City. The applicant has submitted a Stage 1 and 2

Archaeological Assessment Report. The submitted report indicates that there were no

archaeological resources found on site.

Tree Preservation

This application is subject to the provisions of By-law 780-2004, regarding tree protection. The applicant has submitted an Arborist Report/Tree Preservation Plan, which is currently being reviewed by staff.

Archaeological Assessment

The site is within the Interim Screening Areas for Archaeological Potential identified in the Archaeological Master Plan of the City. The applicant has submitted a Stage 1 and 2 Archaeological Assessment Report. The submitted report indicates that there were no archaeological resources found on site.

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