New Ice cream store coming…

North  oops actually south  of Dundas just west of Quebec Ave


Also… the hip hop clothing store that used to be on Keele just north of Dundas West now has 2 antique chairs in the window… Another antique store? Kind of cool if we become known as the Antique area of town.

Right across from that is a doggy spa opening and next door to that is a painted sign that says "Something awesome opening soon". This is in the old sign shop next to the laundry mat.

You know what, this actually does look good. Hopefully the owners are more down to earth than the Cream owners. Will try it out when it opens.

It's North of Dundas, pretty soon someone will be forced to clean the sidewalk under the bridge….

To clarify…

Yes, the ice cream shop is on the South Side of Dundas, however the places John Isner is talking about – the doggy spa / something awsome are on Keele North of Dundas.

Fail… Actually you lost 70-68 in the fifth set and now you've lost again here, on the internets…

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