Delight Chocolates Art Exhibit “Whimsy and Decadence along with a Creative”

Local resident, Theo Gallaro had his first solo exhibit at Delight Chocolates on Tuesday June 29th. The 12 year old artist has been selling his hand drawn cards for the past year at the local store, which is renowned for it’s unique handmade, fair trade chocolates and ice cream. When Theo approached Delight owners Jennifer Rashleigh and Jeff Brown about a possible show, they were very supportive-another great example of how the junction community supports each other and why we love living here.  For those who have not yet experienced the delight of Delight, they are located at 3040 Dundas St. West, with a new location at 805 Queen St. West. The show runs until the end of August.

1 Comment

Theo is awesome! A talented and thoughtful young artist to watch out for. He comes to Wise Daughters' art card nights quite often and I love to see and trade for his cards.

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