Preserving Built Heritage in the Junction, Monday, April 18th from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm


Architect Catherine Nasmith has been invited to discuss the idea of Heritage Conservation Districts.  There has been a great deal of interest expressed locally in establishing a Heritage Conservation District in the Junction, and public discussion of the idea will follow.

The presentation is at the West Toronto Baptist Church, 3049 Dundas Street West, refreshments will be provided.

Presented by the Junction Residents Association and the West Toronto Junction Historical Society


1 Comment

It sounds exciting to have a forum for this important issue. The Junction has lost a lot of its built heritage over the years, including industrial heritage, but a lot remains intact. There's also a subtler side of heritage destruction that comes when renovations strip exterior details that are important to a building's architecture like the cornice, or interior renovations that gut the building of heritage design details and trim, and even artwork. It cheapens our community.

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