A post of the entire Junction residents Association Newsletter for those of you not on the list

CONTACT Photography in the Junction

Condo Development

Jane’s Walk on Sunday, May 8

Green 13 presents a free film screening

The Junction Ribfest


CONTACT photography in the Junction May 1 to May 31

It’s CONTACT photography time again and once again the Junction is featuring a great arrangement of art.  Follow this link to the JRA website and the Junction BIA poster.

Other local galleries, in the Junction but outside the BIA boundaries, are also featuring photograph so take a stroll and keep an eye out for the CONTACT signs.

Condo Development – Community consultation meeting May 4 , 7 pm

The boarded-up houses on Bloor across from High Park are about to become a condo.  Have your say on the development on Wednesday May 4 at the Annette Street Junior and Senior Public School Cafeteria 265 Annette Street, Lower Level (entry on Jennings Avenue)

Our friends from the High Park Residents Association to the south have a good write-up about the development on their website.  Follow this link to view it.

Jane’s Walk Sunday, May 8

This year the Jane’s Walk turns five, and there are dozens of great walks throughout Toronto.  Below are links to two Junction walking tours this weekend.

Junction of the Canadian Dream: Real Facts & Neil Facts, 3:30 pm

Stockyards: Making Toronto’s Streets, 1 pm

Jane’s Walk Vision: Walkable neighbourhoods, urban literacy, cities planned for and by people.

Green 13 presents a Free Film Screening  Monday, May 9  6:30 pm

Free Film Screening and discussion of TOXIC TRESPASS with special guest Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg, Executive Producer
In Toxic Trespass, intrepid filmmaker Barri Cohen launches an investigation into the effects of the chemical soup around us. She starts with her 10-year-old daughter, whose blood carries carcinogens like benzene and the long-banned DDT. Then, Cohen heads to Windsor and Sarnia – Canadian toxic hotspots, with startling clusters of deadly diseases….She meets passionate activists…doctors and scientists who see evidence of links between environmental pollution and health problems. And she learns how quickly barriers can go up when anyone tries to even ask questions about the connection between toxins and serious health problems

Monday, May 9 – 6:30 pm Annette Branch Library   145 Annette St.

The Junction Ribfest for MS fundraiser on May 14th, 11 am

The First Annual Junction MS Rib Fest will be held to raise awareness about MS, its impact on those afflicted with the disease, and their family and friends. All proceeds from the event will go to the MS Society of Canada.

Visit junctionmsribfest.com for details.

JRA Members Meeting Thursday, May 12

Your next JRA Meeting will be on Thursday, May 12 at 7 pm.

The meeting is at the West Toronto Baptist Church, 3049 Dundas Street West.  Come out, meet your neighbours and help shape the Junction by getting involved.


1 Comment

re. Junction Rib Fest;

Wouldn't it be a better idea not to have seating times and instead just do a cookout outside and sell the ribs? I think they'd make much more money for charity if they would bring it outside and open to the entire community

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