Mulock Ave view to Heintzman Place Condos

Heintzman Ave via Heintzman Place and Mulock Ave. connected by a sight line. This view  from outside the SE corner of the old paint plant looking down SW on Mulock Ave. over the old lands of the Maple Leaf Mills.



Great Pic, Mulock has definitely cleaned up over the years from north to south and will get better once Canada Bread moves out at the end of this year (2011) and Terrasan comes up with their new Condo application for 6 Lloyd Avenue (Old Begimin Moore lands).

I believe new year (2012) will be a great year for the junction area since lots of changes will take place including the start of the construction of the Mall Compex at 30 Weston Rd and who knows maybe other development will come to the area in the New Year now that the St.Clair Avenue Study has been completed and accepted.

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