Really love how the Campbell block looked and was populated

Wow this image really shows an pedestrian friendly use of a very short stretch of Dundas St. Love the awnings.

And look at the decoration on the building!



This is a great old building. It would be really something to see a developer take it over and do a first rate rebuild. Something nicer than another high rise which is what is likely for the east side. Could the developer of Heintzman Place high rise condo be coaxed to look into it?

Too many heritage buildings in Toronto have seen "roofline simplication" with all sorts of appealing elements stripped. Even though the facade is quite dirty today with the weathered paint, it's still a remarkable building for its size, Victorian architecture, and the diverse variety of businesses along Dundas and Keele. It's the kind of building that Jane Jacobs would have commended for making the neighbourhood more walkable. The Campbell Block deserves to be restored.

It's a good place for what's already there! It's an excellent heritage building that needs to be restored. Let's develop the many surface parking lots and car washes and not encourage the great buildings we already have to be demolished or reduced to mere facades at odds with the new architecture on top.

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