High Park Apartment Neighbourhood opinion on 419

HPCA’s position is that Amendment #419 should be passed by the EYCC and approved by Toronto Community Council at the end of June
as it will help protect our neighbourhood from overdevelopment. 

These are some of the reasons why we support the amendment:
Public Space 65% of the total lot area will be open space

“To preserve and enhance the park-like setting, generous open space amenity and soft landscaped areas that contribute to the character of the High Park Apartment Neighbourhood, it is the policy of City Council that:

For sites containing one or more apartment building(s) greater than 4 storeys in height:


    1. A minimum of 65% of the total lot area will be open space, and a maximum of 35% of the total lot area may be covered by buildings and/or above grade structures;


    1. More than half of the required open space will be comprised of soft landscaped area; and


    1. The maximum total building frontage along each street property line will not exceed two thirds of the total lot frontage of each street. If any portion of a building is set back greater than 30 metres from a street property line(s), that portion of building frontage may be excluded from the calculation of total building frontage.


Development/redevelopment will provide a minimum of 2 m2 outdoor amenity space per dwelling unit for all proposed and existing buildings containing 20 or more dwelling units.”

Built Form existing physical character and enhance the quality of buildings.

To respect the existing physical character and enhance the quality of buildings and open space within and adjacent to the High Park Apartment Neighbourhood, and protect Neighbourhoods from negative impact, it is the policy of City Council that:

Development/redevelopment, including mechanical penthouses, will be required to fit entirely within a 45 degree angular plane measured from the nearest property line(s) of lands designated Neighbourhoods or Parks and Open Space Areas.

Development/redevelopment will be located, massed and designed so that no net new shadows are cast on any lands designated Parks and Open Space Areas as measured between 9:18 a.m. and 6:18 p.m. on March 21 and September 21.

Development/redevelopment will be compatible with the existing built form character of the area and will be encouraged to use simple building forms and massing and limit the number and extent of building step-backs.

Development/redevelopment will include at least one main building entrance located on the prominent street facing building façade so that the entrance is clearly visible and directly accessible from the public street and sidewalk.

A minimum of 25% of all new dwelling units will be two bedroom units or larger; a minimum of 10% of all dwelling new units will be three bedroom units or larger.

Development/redevelopment will be located, massed and designed to limit overlook, provide access to natural light for interior spaces, and maximize opportunities for landscaped open space between buildings through the use of generous building separation distances and rear and side yard setbacks from neighbouring properties.

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