THOMAS EDWARDS—For half a century Mr. Edwards has been a resident of Toronto, Canada, and in that time it has been his privilege to watch the city grow, nearly doubling its population every twenty years until now it boasts of a population of more than 500,000, and is universally conceded to be one of the most beau-tiful residential cities ot the world. Thomas Edwards was born in England in 1845, son of John Edwards, ot Edenbridge of Kent, England. His mother,Ann Edwards, was also a native of England. When Thomas Edwards was twenty-six years of age he came to Toronto. Travel in those days did not offer the delights such as modern travellers enjoy, and many days had elapsed since this youngman had leit his home in England for a land strange and unfamiliar, but one which he knew held a wealth of opportunities for the ambitious youth. Mr. Edwards had received a liberal education in England, and soon after his arrival he secured employ-ment in a real estate office, eventually engaging in the publishing business. For three years he published the Yorkville “News” and the Parkdale “News,” and for eleven yeare he was special correspondent for the “Telegram.” However, in his work around the city in the interests of his publication, he could not but see how great was the opportunity presented by real estate and insurance interests and he finally, in 1873, gave up the publishing business to give his entire time to real estate and insurance. He has been exceedingly successful, and his knowledge of real estate values makes him an authority on the subject. From 1873 to 1883 he sold real in Yorkville, then went to Parkdale and sold real and then came to Northwest Toronto in 1916. For years Mr. Edwards served on the school board Parkdale schools.
Politically he is an Independent, but he is means a politician. His church affiliation is with the Church of England. Mr. Edwards married, in 1876, in Toronto, A Childley, of Toronto, and they have one son a daughter. The family home is at No. 128 Marg Street, Toronto.