Along Dundas Street West from Bathurst to Grace Street is the community of Trinity Bellwoods, which many people of the Junctions have driven, TTC’d or biked though, or evened walked. The neighborhood is full of architectural elements on Dundas St W. and off on the residential ways, well worth a visit.
The Apple Pie Contest! Makes it all the more interesting.
For details click the read more button.
The Trinity Bellwoods BIA is hosting the second Do: Pie, an Apple Pie contest to raise money for the Women’s Own Withdrawal Management Centre. On Sunday November 11th, everyone is invited to bake an Apple Pie for the contest. The top three winners will be eligible to win a special prize from businesses in the area, as well as a cash prize. If you are not a baker but enjoy a good slice of Apple Pie, join us on Sunday November 11th from 2-4 pm at A-Game Café at 797 Dundas St West. We will be serving up pie at $5 a slice. At 3 pm we will be auctioning off the winning pies!
Last year, we had an 18 pies compete, raising over $700 for the Fort York Food Bank! The Apple Pie contest is open to anyone who wants to bake. There is a participation fee of $10 for the pie contest, which will be donated. Pies will be judged on appearance, crust, filling and overall taste. Registration is online on our website and Facebook page, as well as in person at the Pie Commission, 887 Dundas Street West, beginning October 15, 2018.
We have three fantastic judges on the panel. Our resident pie expert, Janelle Lucas, co-owner of The Pie Commission at 887 Dundas St West and Jennifer Emilson, the Instagram Influencer who displays her extraordinarily beautiful pies on social media via Instagram (@thelemonapron).