Proposed bike lanes on Scarlett Rd

Cycling is one of the fastest growing transportation modes in Toronto. The City is working to make travel by bike safer and more inviting.
In 2019, the City of Toronto is proposing to install a physically separated bike lane (cycle track) along Scarlett Road from the Humber River to just north St. Clair Avenue at Bernice Crescent.

Reduced Vehicle Speeds

The separated bike lane design will require the reduction of traffic lanes, which will reduce vehicle speeds on Scarlett Road and improve safety.


View the Scarlett Road Bike Lanes Public Consultation Summary Report PDF
Transportation Services will seek Council authority to install this proposed cycling infrastructure on Scarlett Road (from Bernice Crescent to 105 metres south of Edenbridge Drive) at the June 27, 2019 Infrastructure and Environment Committee (IEC) meeting.
View IEC Agenda Item #IE6.12 including detailed reports under Background Information.
To speak at the June 27, IEC meeting, please contact the City’s Clerks Office at 416-397-4579 or by 4:30 p.m. on June 26. For more information on this process, please visit Have Your Say!

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