248 High Park Ave. Demolition



On November 22, 2019, the agent, acting for the owner of the property, submitted an application for the demolition of an existing vacant detached house at 248 High Park Avenue. A building permit for the replacement building has not been issued.

The land at 248 High Park Ave together with the adjacent building located at 260 High Park Avenue, formerly High Park Alhambra Church and Designated by City Council November 9, 2017, are subject to redevelopment application for site plan approval, 16-118663 WET 13 SA, where the former place of worship would be retained and re-used as a new residential building with 70 residential dwelling units. Completing the building is an addition and a two level below grade parking facility containing 101 vehicular parking spaces consistent with the approval granted by Council under Site-Specific By-laws 1397-2017 and 1398-2017.

As the lands subject of the redevelopment include the designated building at 260 High Park Avenue, the request for demolition of the adjacent residential building has been circulated to Heritage Preservation Services for their consideration. This application has also been circulated to Urban Forestry Services and the local Councillor.

At the time of writing of this report, a request to modify the approval granted by council to permit changes to the built form has been submitted to the Committee of Adjustment (COA). This application is scheduled to be heard by the COA on December 11, 2019.

Toronto and East York Community Council
Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building

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