Sorauren Ave | Channel Chemical Co. 1916 advertisement.
House-cleaning is a necessary Spring task in every well-regulated household. The Winter’s accumulation of dust and dirt must be removed. Woodwork, floors and furniture must be cleaned and polished. Anything that will lessen the work butgive best results will be welcomed by every housewife.
dusts, cleans and polishes at the one operation. It removes the accumulated dirt and scum from floors, furniture, and woodwork, and at thesame time polishes—gives a high, hard, dry, lasting lustre. It does not cover up the dirt—it removes it.
Seeming blemishes disappear, and the original beauty of the grain is brought out.
And it gets these wonderful results with surprisingly little rubbing. Take a bottle home on trial to-day. It is guaranteed—satisfaction or money back. Sizes 25c to $3.00
Order from your dealer Channell Chemical Co. LIMITED 369 Sorauren Avenue Toronto