WEST TORONTO JUNCTION Another Money By-law – Bonuses for Industries


Another Money By-law – Bonuses for Industries
The Town Council baseball nine are dissatisfied with the result of Wednesday’s match with the School Board team, and have challenged the latter to meet them again in the near future.
The house in connection with the tollgate which for the last couple of years occupied a position in front of Blea’s Hotel is now passing through the town to take the place of the check gate recently burned near Jane street. Junctionites are taking a last look at this relic of barbarism as it slowly wends its way westward.
Friday morning during the thunderstorm two houses situated in the gravel pit on St. Clair avenue were shattered by lightning.
Arrangements are being  made fro an electric fire alarm system for the town. Several companies are applying for a charter to build and operate a line of electric railway through the town connecting the Brockton bridges with Lambton and Weston. A committee appointed by the Council is considering the question of granting the use of certain streets to one of the companies if it will agree to have the line ready for traffic by January 1, 1891.
On Wednesday, August 13, another by-law will come before the people to provide $30,000, and $20,000 of which, if the by-law is carried, is to be divided between the Toronto Drop Forge and Rolling Mills Company and a large iron industry from Detroit, which have secured sites on the line of railway north of the town. The sites have been donated by ex-Mayor Clendenan, and it is understood the companies referred to will commence operations in a short time on condition that the town grant them the amount asked. The remaining $10,000 the by-law proposed to devote to the improvement of the approaches to the town, sidings from railway, etc. This by-law will require the assent of two-fifths of the ratepayers entitled to vote, as well as a majority of those voting. The Property Owners’ Association will meet on Thursday evening in the editorial rooms of The Daily Tribune, when the question will be discussed.
The C. P. R. will commence the enlargement of their roundhouse here in the course of a few days.
The enlargement of the Annette Street Methodist Church is rapidly approaching completion.
The Disciples’ Church building is ready for the roof.


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