Union Street buildings to be rezoned for the development of St.Clair-Old Weston SmartTrack / GO Transit station.

Notice of Public Meeting – Request to Amend Zoning By-law – 2 and 80 Union Street

You can follow the meeting at www.youtube.com/TorontoCityCouncilLive

Planning Application Number

23 138819 STE 09 OZ

Decision Body

Planning and Housing Committee



To be held by the Planning and Housing Committee

(Under the Planning Act)


Request to Amend the Zoning By-law Application Number: 23 138819 STE 09 OZ


Location of Application: 2 and 80 Union Street
Applicant: City Of Toronto
Date: October 26, 2023
Time: 10:15 a.m. or as soon as possible thereafter
Place: Committee Room 1, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West and By Video Conference



The City is proposing to amend the Zoning By-law for the property at 2 and 80 Union Street to allow for the development of St.Clair-Old Weston SmartTrack / GO Transit station. The proposal on the subject site consists of two new station entrance buildings, tunnel access to platforms within the adjacent rail corridor, a new bus driveway loop with six TTC bus bays and one Wheel-Trans bus stop, new bicycle parking facilities and landscaping.


Detailed information regarding the proposal, including background information and material, may be obtained by contacting Thomas Rees, Senior Planner, Transit Implementation Unit, Transportation Planning, at 416-392-1791, or by e-mail at Thomas.Rees@toronto.ca


Further information can be found at https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/application-details/?id=5260292&pid=171525.




Planning and Housing Committee will receive input and review the proposal and any other material placed before it, in order to make recommendations on the proposal. These recommendations will then be forwarded to Toronto City Council for its consideration.

You can follow the meeting at www.youtube.com/TorontoCityCouncilLive.




You may send written comments by e-mail to phc@toronto.ca or by mail to the address below. You can submit written comments up until City Council gives final consideration to the proposal.


You are also invited to address, in person, by video conference or by telephone, to make your views known regarding the proposal.


If you wish to address directly, please register by e-mail to phc@toronto.ca or by phone at 416-397-4579, no later than 12:00 p.m. on October 25, 2023. If you register, we will contact you with instructions on how to participate in the meeting.

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