The city is seeking and approved a sale of Lane Btn Keele St & Heintzman St; City of Toronto was declared surplus conditional upon City Council approving the permanent closure of the lane.
Declaration of Surplus Property – Located at the rear of the properties municipally known as 48 and 50 Heintzman Street
NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with the City of Toronto’s real estate disposal By-law, on May 15, 2024 the City-owned public lane located at the rear of the properties municipally known as 48 and 50 Heintzman Street, legally described as Part of Pt Lt 4 Pl 641 West Toronto Junction Pt 1 63R4681; Pt Lt 2-5, 11 Pl 1040 West Toronto Junction as in WH72796 (Firstly), as in WH47690 Sit WH47690; Lane Pl 641 West Toronto Junction except WH47745 & WH72640 (Secondly); Being Lane Btn Keele St & Heintzman St; City of Toronto was declared surplus conditional upon City Council approving the permanent closure of the lane.
The property has an area of approximately 63 m2 (678.13 ft2). The City proposes that the intended manner of disposal is to be by way of an offer to purchase from the abutting owner.
The following City official has information about the proposed disposition: Vinette Prescott-Brown, Manager, Real Estate Services, Tel: 416-392-7138, Metro Hall, 55 John Street, 2nd floor, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6. Enquiries may be made of the said official until June 14th, 2024.
For More Information Contact
Vinette Prescott-Brown
Phone: 416-392-7138
Metro Hall
55 John Street
Toronto, ON
M2H 2N2
Signed By
John D. Elvidge, City Clerk
May 31, 2024
1 Comment
Wouldn’t all those people whose properties abut the laneway be upset about losing laneway access once it gets sold to a single landowner? It seems like a bizarre and regressive proposal. If the real issue is through traffic using it as a shortcut, then make it a dead end. Otherwise, selling it off seems like a bad idea.