The West Toronto Junction Historical Society invites you to share your Memories of Gib Goodfellow

Gib Goodfellow illustrated one of his talk at his talks at  the WTJHS, this one was about the Haida Gwaii

1st a bit about the gentleman from his obituiary, He inspired many educators and students while working in the role of Social Studies consultant, Geography teacher, and outdoor educator with The Toronto Board of Education and The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority overnight centres. Gib was also one of the founding teachers of Ursula Franklin Academy. Gib volunteered with The West Toronto Junction Historical Society.

..and the The West Toronto Junction Historical Society current remenberence plans,

Share Your Memories of Gib Goodfellow for Issue #2 of The Leader and Recorder

We have all felt the sadness of the loss of our Past President, Gib Goodfellow, last February. We published a tribute to him by Neil Ross, another Past President, in Issue #1 of The Leader and Recorder.

But now we are working on Issue #2, which will be in color. The main article is about the 100th anniversary of St. John’s Anglican Church. And we are hoping to fill the other pages with Memories of Gib and photos of him.

Please let us know if you are willing to write up your memories and send a picture. Electronic pics should be sent separately from the text and in as large a pixel size as possible. You can write 500 words or up to 750. The deadline is in mid-July – July 15 – but do tell us now if you plan to contribute. We can help with editing too.

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