The Old Time Trains site, a Junction connected important railway blog, shut for ever?


Sadly recently I clicked the sites Whats New, button which I do not do often as I frequently visit the site and start wandering around, and there was the statement shown above.

When blogs stop posting they often disappear and losing this blog would be a great loss to the Junction community as well as the greater country wide rail history effort in Canada.

Producting a blog such as Old Time Trains is a a effort of great time and thoughtful effort, and would be rewarding for people to assit with.

R.L. Kennedy created Old Time trains in 1967 as a preservation effort, draw from his previoustrain history activity with a newsletter covering C.P.R. Toronto motive power and information about steam excursions. (1)

The site has a trove of West Toronto and Junction related information and articles by Mr Kennedy, as well as a huge amount of railway photos an information about the railways in Canada. he has also assebled the counitire greatest collection on the Old Time trains site of railroad photos by himself and many other people. The photos are most interesting not just for the historical significance but becuase they detail the unique details of railroading in Canada.

here is a link to one of most interesting artcles by Mr Kennedy that details much about the Toronto rail managment and operating structure ofthe early Toronto railroad, click to read the article.


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