Sun-Ray Feeds 200 Vine St. a brand of Longworth Milling


Longworth Milling was a long resident of the Junction which sat at 200 Vine St, the land which is now the west 3/5 of the current parkette, and included the land which now makes up the laneway to the west of the parkette. the building was demolished in 1972.

Below is some marketing text used in the company’s sales materials for its Sun-Ray Feeds product.

FOREWORD, manufacturers of Poultry, Dairy, and Hog Feeds, we realize that for us to have complete success we must first help our feeders be successful. While Feed is one of the largest items entering  into as a poultry man, 2t the 33,21C time there are many other important factors, including the proper handling of your disease pro, !ems and of your breeding problems. With this problem in front of us we have looked for ways and means to help our customers, as we realize that successful customers are our greatest asset.

We have opened a poultry service department under the direction of Mr. Geo. Dixon, who w. for three years manager of the Northern Utility Poultry Association Laying Trial at Burnley, England, and later fifteen years instructor and disease expert to the Harper Adams Agricultural College and National Institute of Poultry, Husband, at Newport, Salop, England.

As Mr. Dixon will find it impossible to come in personal contact with all of our customers and their problems, we are undertaking to give a weekly lecture in different locations, and we wish to extend a cordial invitation to any who may wish to get greater knowledge of poultry husbandry. He will also at all times be available to those who are having disease problems.

One of the most important factors in starting baby chicks is being prepared to take care of them after they arrive. The policy of ordering chicks, then trying to fix a place for them is a very poor one

If you follow the practical suggestions given in this article poor one. you will avoid many of the common chick troubles. First be sure your brooder stove and brooder house will comfortably take care of the number of chicks you plan to raise. Two or three days before the chicks arc to arrive, start the stove to see that it is working properly, and to dry out the brooder house. Next spread the litter of peat moss, chopped straw, or shavings evenly over the floor. A ring of fine mt.,11 wire, cardboard, or old linoleum, should be placed around the brooder about three feet away to keep the chicks from straying too far away from the heat and feed for the first few days. Newspapers can be spread over the floor inside the ring with small amount of feed sprinkled over them to induce the chicks to cat. Enough feeders START RIGHT and waterers should be furnished so that at least one half the chicks can eat or drink at one time. You will never know the pleasure that comes from raising chicks until you have used SUN-RAY STARTER.

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