The Village by High Park, lower grade level to foundation level next to Keele St.

Soil level lower next to Keele sT.
Soil level lower next to Keele St.
The Village by High Park, progress with concrate forming of the ist building and site prep of the area where the second building in to go.  looking north east looking north east


1 Comment

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this question but I'll try anyway. For a month or 2, we've been hearing a bang-bang-banging, every week day from 7:50am to around 5pm. We are located at the highrises at Glenlake and Keele. For those of us who are on shiftwork and are home all day, it is becoming very disturbing. Do you know what construction site is resposible for this noise and when will it end? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

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