Today, on April 2nd @ 9:30am park tradesmen are working on the parkette’s sandbox area. When this picture was taken they were placing and readying for welding, and attachments for the base unit of a canopy?
12:25pm update – they left without welding them in place.
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Good Day, This is to let people know there is a community consultation meeting this evening, Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 7pm in the cafeteria at Humberside HS, regarding the development proposal to build condos at 200 Keele (n/w corner Glenlake & Keele) as well as the backyard slope and ravine lands of 203 and 195 Oakmount Roads. Any and all interest and attendance of community is important. The developer, their lawyer, their agent, Councillor Saundercook, as well as City staff are all expected to be present. Regards,